Leadership training

Individual training in R: “massRelating for Forward Movement”

  • Online
  • Offered on ongoing basis
  • 20 hours: 10 weeks x 2 hours per week

This is a general interest educational training for leaders in how all people’s relational metacognitive brain works and how Formal Mass Conversation can be used by leaders to elevate people’s brain above all things and people that are ongoing, go on, or go through.

It shows how bifurcated parallel organizations are needed to allow exceptional individuals to identify with power and deploy their loyal goodwill and lift anything ordinary to be extraordinary in the eyes of insiders and outsiders.

It also shows how, for exceptional organizational success, perfect control over optimally designed and executed programs and processes can and should be moved from the process level to the individual relationship level…at scale. And how that change to meta-level co-control can be made while staying in perfect control.

You will never think about psychology, leadership and management again the way you do today.

On-site executive team workshop

R500 comes to your office and organizes a leadership and organization innovation workshop with your executive team. Focus is on 

  1. how, for exceptional organizational success, perfect control over optimally designed and executed programs and processes can and should be moved from the process level to the individual relationship level…at scale. And how that change to meta-level co-control can be made while staying in perfect control.
  2. how Formal Mass Conversation in and with their population can profitably be used as a disruptive socio-organizational innovation and co-leadership approach 
  • formulate and operationalize loyalty propositions and understand the difference compared to formulating and operating value propositions to employees, customers 
  • seamlessly combine the benefits of simple good cooperation (respect, transparency, independent and dependent, short-term, sharing of goals and ideas, engagement) with the benefits of aspirational collaboration (networked relationships, vulnerability, shared vision and values, interdependence, long-term, creation of new horizons, empowerment)
  • continuously recycle past successes and enable them to reload into present and future operational and commercial excellence and successes built on shared visions and loyal commitments
  • map and find concrete pathways in the chaos and to fastly build strong community in and around today’ transaction centric ways of organizing full of unforeseen contingencies and value opportunities
  • combine a preference and need for talking with individuals about problems as being the problems of individuals, with the reality that many problems are the problems and concerns of bigger groups or the entire organization
  • find out who among their people see people, units, organizations and things “moving forward or backward”, measure the size of such movement, and identify the perceived causes, favorable actions and certain goodwill commitments.