Our software automates
for you

R500 is your trusted digital partner in mass relational conversation with assured GDPR compliance and data protection.

R500 software is fully in-house developed and proprietary and consists of 

  • a dynamic conversational data, data qualification and data flow platform which is fully protected
  • an integration with Whatsapp for both video and messaging, avoiding end-users having to login to any sort of platform, unless they wish to consult their own data.
  • an interface to design data models for specific mass relational conversation facilitation challenges (mass relational conversation configurator)
  • an interface to start, capture, navigate, and wrap up conversations (conversation facilitation) 
  • front-end utilities like e.g. polling tools: what people find more important, correct and are more willing to commit to
  • back-end applications for conversation scheduling and reporting, note taking, content analysis, transformation, and sharing 


GDPR excellent: lawyers have evaluated R500 technologies and engagement practices as fully compliant with all personal data protection laws and regulations and best-practice. R500 applications are considered as being a natural and basic part of any employer-employee, provider-customer, public entity-citizen relationship.