"Power of 6": How to see things and people in full potency and potential

An important part of the R500 software and protocols evolves around the ability to show people why the thoughts of others and of themselves are both “not good enough” AND “good enough”.


The metacognitive mechanism that underlies the fact that “anything is both good enough and not good enough” is referred to as The Power of 6.


R500 founder and Relational Metacognition scientist Dr. Olaf Hermans discovered the dynamics of the “Power of 6” concept which operates in all our brains. He found that any human concept (motivation, relationship, organization, aspiration, intelligence, progression, power of 6…) 

  • is traditionally defined as structurally consisting of 2 to 5 interdependent building blocks or pillars or dimensions
  • YET needs exactly 6 pillars for the brains of a vast majority of people 
    • to see the concept as more whole (full/complete/potent) 
    • to see the concept as more actionably reflective and inspirational: giving more concrete clues and energy to start working more and better around the concept themselves
    • to agree that the traditional definition or conceptualization was lacking significantly


He also found that the added pillars 

  • are seen by our brains as independently (so originally new) interdependent (mutually reinforcing) in relation to the original pillars
  • can be derived deductively by any person from the nature of the existing pillars of the concept
  • can be shrunk again into a reconceptualization of the concept based on the original number of pillars but each with a more full definition.


For instance, human motivation around some set behavior or behavioral set is traditionally seen as stemming from a combination of

  • competency (being able to do such behavior)
  • autonomy (really wanting to do such behavior without pressure)
  • connectedness (doing it for and with and backed by the right set of people).

95% of all people find this a good conceptualization. It is the motivation conceptualization as stated by self-determination theory


Relational metacognitive scientists will add 3 dimensions to have a total of 6 pillars: “motivation seen in its full potency and potential”. These 3 additional pillars are:

  • admiring loyalty (people are more motivated to work when admiration comes from the wider environment)
  • moving whole (people are more motivated to work when they see all round them going well)
  • access to goodwill (people are more motivated when they know people – even strangers – can be found any time to help them do and act for good, and save/salvage them when things go wrong).

95% of all people will agree that these 3 factors add to the original concept and that these are independent.

How these 3 pillars were deductively designed is made clear in the Power of 6 Youtube Channel.

Issue is that the original source (inventor) of conceptualization will state that these three do not add anything new and are already implied and included in the original:

  • admiring loyalty = f(competency)
  • moving whole = f(autonomy)
  • access to goodwill = f(connectedness).

Still, the original source will agree to expand the conceptualization/definition of the original three

  • because they indeed were under-defined
  • because the majority of people will not accept NOT reviewing them.

As stated, this exact same way of expanding and reducing by deduction can be applied to the infinitely large pool of “human concepts”. Each video on the Power of 6 Youtube channel discusses the expansion and reduction of a different human concept.
